Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A year with SMANSA

Setahun rasanya terlalu cepat untuk aku berada di SMANSA. Sebuah lingkungan kecil yang penuh dengan suka dan duka. Pada awal aku memasuki lingkungan kecil ini, aku hanya merasakan banyak duka dan sedikit suka. Memang, masih terngiang-ngiang di kepalaku tentang MOPDB/MOS. Tentang para CO-PJ, CO-CO-PJ, PJ, hingga POSKO. Mereka memberikan kesan tersendiri bagiku di SMANSA. Tentang nama angkatan mulai dari Perisai Kesatria, Benteng Batu, hingga kami Meriam Baja. Mungkin hanya anak-anak SMANSA yang mengerti apa itu. Ini bukan rasis, hanya menceritakan 'unik'-nya SMANSA.

Aku merasa sedang berada di dunia yang berbeda ketika berada di SMANSA. Mungkin ini duniaku yang baru. Dunia organisasi, dunia santai tapi serius, dunia loyalitas, dan dunia mempertahankan hidup sendiri.

Di mulai dari X6. Kelas pertama yang cukup banyak memberikan kesan berharga untukku. Bisa dibilang, aku mengenal baik seluruh teman-temanku di kelas ini. Yaa, mungkin ada beberapa orang yang jarang sekali berbicara denganku, tapi itu pun dapat di hitung dengan jari. Hanya X6 satu-satunya kelas yang tidak ada CCTV. Dengan kata lain, tidak pernah ada yang memperhatikan kita ketika kita bermain game di komputer, tiduran di lantai, atau ketika kita melakukan kegiatan bodoh lainnya. Meskipun kami tidak sekompak itu, tapi kami tetap berusaha untuk menjadikan X6 yang terbaik di hati kami masing-masing. Dengan wali kelas yang kelewat gaul, dengan keadaan spidol yang selalu kosong, dengan keadaan proyektor yang berwarna ungu, dengan loker Sigit yang jebol karena ia tarik-tarik sendiri untuk mengambil baju olahraganya di dalam, dengan satu piala dan satu piagam, dengan madingnya yang kecil terletak di dekat pintu, dengan pintunya yang bisa di jebol, dan tentunya dengan semua teman yang begitu baik hati dan menyenangkan.

Lalu eASY. Apa yang harus aku katakan tentang eASY? Sebuah semi-organisasi ektrakulikuler Bahasa Inggris yang mengajariku banyak hal. eASY memberiku teman, memberiku pengajaran tentang sebuah loyalitas, dan prioritas. Aku belajar untuk benar-benar 'sendiri' membuat sebuah acara. Tanpa bantuan guru. Guru tentu membantu, tapi itu paling hanya sekedar penyetujuan proposal, dan penyediaan sarana prasarana. Aku dan teman-teman di eASY, berusaha sekuat tenaga kami untuk membuat acara yang benar-benar dapat berlangsung dengan baik. eASY membawaku ke UI. Meskipun hanya datang ke Fakultas Hukum-nya, mengikuti lomba ALSA e-COMP, tapi itu sudah berarti banyak untukku. Dari eASY, aku mengenal beberapa kakak kelas. Berbeda sekali dengan diriku yang dulu. Ketika SMP, hanya satu-dua kakak kelas yang aku tahu. Sekarang, aku bisa mengetahui lumayan banyak, bahkan yang dua tahun lebih tua dariku.

PERSIK. Persekutuan Siswa/i Kristen SMANSA. PERSIK juga memberiku banyak hal. Teman seiman, dan segudang kesenangan. Meskipun tidak terlalu memakan banyak waktu dan tenaga, tapi terkadang aku masih suka mengabaikan kegiatan-kegiatan PERSIK. Itulah mengapa aku merasa berdosa sekali (hahaha). Mungkin tahun ini tahun yang tepat untuk memperbaiki semuanya.

Hanya satu yang membuatku merasa ciut di SMANSA. Aku takut menghadapi regenerasi! Percaya atau tidak, regenerasi lebih menyeramkan dari sekedar MOS. Regenerasi akan membawamu ke alumni yang jauh lebih menyeramkan dari POSKO di SMANSA. Itu mungkin sebabnya mengapa aku tidak ingin mengikuti OSIS yang benar-benar organisasi. Bahkan saat ini, memikirkan regenerasi eASY saja, aku sudah mulai kehilangan kendali.

Tapi terlepas dari itu semua, SMANSA menggoreskan cerita sendiri dalam kehidupanku. Mungkin ini sebabnya mereka menyebutnya sekolah favorit. Terkadang, aku lelah berada di SMANSA, aku di tuntut harus menyeimbangkan antara pelajaran dan ekskul, dan menurutku itu susah. Tapi itu tidak menjadi satu hal yang kuat untukku meninggalkan SMANSA dan beralih ke yang lain. SMANSA memberiku tawa, memberiku tangis, memberiku teman, dan memberiku pengalaman berharga :)


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Story about a refrigerator

This is a true story about my old refrigerator. A few weeks ago, my family bought a new refrigerator and it came the next day. At first, I didn't feel anything. Acutally, I was happy because I have a new 'thing' in my house. But then I thought about something. Where will my old refigerator go? Is it possible if we use two refrigerators in our small house? My mom wanted to sell it, but we all disagreed. Finally, we put that in my parents' room.

After about a week or more, my mom started becoming confused. She really didn't have any idea about what to do to my old refrigerator. She finally decided to really sell it, and one of her friends has agreed to buy it. I was sad to hear that actually. Fyi, that refrigerator had been with my family since 1994. I haven't been born yet! This year, that refrigerator will be 17 years old. It should have a party to celebrate it, right? It's so loyal. It was never broken before, it was so cool. Even though it was not that big, only one door, but we put all the food there. Starts from, bottles of water, eggs, vegetables, meats, ice, even my medicines.

My old refrigerator was blue. It was not that tall, and it couldn't stand up correctly again. But I love it, I can't deny that I will miss it very much. I remembered that my sister always put her glass on my refrigerator after she drank. I remembered that we put the medicine box on my refrigerator. Sometimes, after I opened it up, I just let the door close itself. It would make a very loud voice. So old, right?

When he was taken a few days ago, I felt like something would be missing from this house. Something that had been together with us for a very long time. That refrigerator was there when the first time I came to my own house as a baby. That refrigerator knew all kind of convertations that our family had. That refrigerator was there when we bought a new organ, when we changed ouf sofa, when I bought a new desk for study, when a new maid came to my house.

And now, it has a new journey with another owner. I hope that you really will have a great happiness with whomever might be. I hope that you will be useful as usual, nobody will think that you're an "unimportant-old-thing", because you're doing a great job all this time. Now, it's time for you to have another experience. Goodbye my old refrigerator, hope you have a happy life wherever you are :)

Here we put anything, teh gelas, vegetables, anything.

Here, we put eggs, bottles, and medicines.

This is the inside of my old refrigerator.

And this is the front side of my old refrigerator.

I'll be missing you :))


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Seoul Song

Tonight, I must be sad because I couldn't go to Justin Bieber's concert in my town. Actually, it's not I couldn't, but I didn't get the permission. So, let's forget it.

I just wanna share you about one of Korean song which is very good. I love this song so much, especially the video

That is SEOUL SONG !! :)

Based on the lyrics which has been translated into English, the song tells about the happiness and the benefits you will get if you live there. Seoul makes your dreams come true, Seoul makes you laugh, Seoul gives you hope, and Seoul gives you your true love. Sang by Super Junior and Girls' Generation, Seoul Song becomes one of the most popular song in Korea or maybe in the world. You can say that it really sells Seoul.

Let's talk about the video clip. I fell in love at the first sight when I saw this video. It really is good and so sweet. It tells about some people who want to express their love, and tells about some people who want to reach their dreams. It's so cool and great. The singers are so handsome and beautiful. They really can give us expression which shows that they are happy to live in Seoul. The video also shows about the condition about Seoul. The roads, the buildings, the tranportations, the places which are very nice. I love this song and I love the city. Seoul has its own good sides. Actually, I love Super Junior and Girls' Generation, but not th
at much.
I just love their faces and their voices and their songs
. So, when one of my friend told
about this song, I really fell in love. I know, it sounds really too much, but you have to hear it by yourself. It's easylistening and the video will make you want to go there. If I have enough money by myself or maybe if I get work later,
I will never forget to visit this city :)

Infinitely your. Seoul :D


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

STIC and Me :)

Haai :D it really has been a long time since I wrote here last time. Today, I just want to share you about the fact that my friends and I just succeeded holding an event :) aaah, it was so good, really! Let me tell you about that ;)

From the beginning, my school, SMA Negeri 1 Bogor or just called it SMANSA, is celebrating its birthday now. We have a big event called SMANSA Day. We started from March and it will be ended on May. And because of that, we, as the citizen of SMANSA, have to make an event from each ekskul. As you know, I'm following the eASY (English Association for SMANSA Youth) as my ekskul. Nah, the event of eASY is STIC (SMANSA Trivia Competition). But, eASY has its own rules that the one who makes STIC happen must be the tenth grader students only. So, the eleventh grader could be the participants of STIC.

Just FYI, the tenth grader now in SMANSA, or the batch 2010/2011 called themselves as "Meriam Baja". It's kinda the batch's name. And because of that, I am Meriam Baja! :D

Now, let's just get started about the STIC!

STIC is a Trivia. It's competition between the tenth grader and the eleventh grader. This year, there are Spelling Bee competition and BoB (Battle of the Brains) competition. You must know what Spelling Bee is. Let me tell you about BoB. It's like cerdas cermat. Fyi, I'm the coordinator of Competition Section :) So, my team is the one who arranges all of the questions. Actually, it's very tiring. We have to select the questions, choose which one is appropriate, and make it into Power Point. Gosh, it's not as easy as you think before. Especially, my team also has to take care about the Spelling Bee's words.

But, all of the hard works are all paid off. The event succeed and I really am happy. It doesn't matter that I have to walk home from school at 7 p.m. because I really had fun today. Plus, one of my friend, actually the head committees of STIC, Safira, had birthday today! ;D So, we did a crazy little thing to her. When the evaluation time, we all accuse her for making a very big mistake. The first plan is, we want to make her cry, but it doesn't work actually, hahaha ;D She cried because she's happy not frustrated. Happy Birthday Safira :)) We all love you :D

Thank you SMANSA, especially, thank you eASY! :D You gave me friends, you gave me experiences, and such a pleasure moment :D


Saturday, March 19, 2011

the biggest part of me :)

It's been long time since I want to write about this post. I want to write about all of my best friends :) my dearest buddies :) just let's get started! :D

Start from the four musketeers :D

Actually, we never really said that ourselves are four musketeers, I just thought about it a second ago haha :D But they are my best best friends :)

First, of course, Helena Ratya Rudijanto. I will never get bored even if I have to talk about her all the time. She's just like a gift for me :) It is fun to talk with her. To share everything with her. Actually, "angkot 08" is our secret place. We talked about everything when we went home by that public transportation. We had been through a dozen of experiences. I remembered I told you about "boys", right? You knew everything, helena :) You were the first one I told about every time I have some troubles with boys, hahaa :D but just ignore them. She's the one who likes Super Junior that much :) She's an Everlasting Friend! ;D She has a thousand of Super Junior's videos. I got some from her. I like every time she laughs :D You're the best! ;D

Second musketeers is Cindy Franscisca. She's a Chinese girl. She's the one who has a dozen of stories to tell to us. Every time we met, she always had a new story to be told. I like it. I like hearing she speaks. We laughed about everything. She often talks about "boys" to us. But honestly, I never get bored to hear what she says. It's like watching a new episode of drama, hahahaha :D She's so fussy and funny. You're the best, cindy! :D

And this is it! Mutiara Lirendra. The most beautiful girl between us :) She also likes to share story with us. Especially "boys", she has a lot of stories about "boys" actually. Instead of Cindy, every time I heard Muti speaks, I felt like I was watching an infotainment hahahaha ;D but it's true, I'm not kidding. But I also like it. Unfortunately, I didn't spare so much time with her. Actually, we've been friends since the seventh grade, but I did become close with her since the ninth grade, so we only had short times. But, it's okay, right? We often meet each other, right Muti? ;D

Here they are :)

Okay, let's move on! Now, I want to tell you about my other two friends :)

This is my lovely honey bunny Soraya Triesly Lessy She's ambon manise :) All of my sister said that she's so beautiful :) We've been very close since the eight grade. I like her that much :D She also has a lot of stories to be told. It's so good that we meet each other every week. We're on the same church, so, I never missed her so badly, because we always meet once in a week. I like to be her sharing friend. It's good to have you, Soraya :D FYI, she's very tall and I always feel "terindimadasi" every time I stood next to her, hahahaha :DD

This is Felita Dwitari Suryanata. Oh my god, what should I say about you, Felli? Hahahaha :DD Every time I'm near her, I always laugh. Everything we're talking about is just like a joke! I couldn't even believe that I missed you that much, Fel! She's in Jakarta now. Studying at Theresia High School and we never met since our graduation. She's also Chinese, and I think she never cares about anything too much. She's very easygoing and so kind to me :D Felli, I've been missing you here! So badly!

Here we are :)

And these are my new best friends in SMANSA :D

Firstly, Shadrina Fitri Ghazani. She's so smart in Math! #God! hahaha :D She also has a lot of stories to tell. Especially "boys" :D We often shares and she helps me a lot in school! We're always together wherever we go (I mean, when there was a school fieldtrip or something like that). And we also often killed time in McD Padjajaran, eating and talking about anything that passed our mind. She's good when playing Tap Tap, and I often loose! hahahaha :D We have to try the extreme one, Shad! hahaha :DD

The last but not least, is Rayna Hanin Ahmad. She's the one who sits next to me. I always looked her homework and wrote it on my book hahahaha :DD We often say obscenities every morning hahahaha :D Actually, it's not real, we're just kidding. She often laughs and me too. She's the one who likes to tease me but there are no proves, Ray! hahahaha :D We're always together too wherever we go. And Rayna is leaving so far away from SMANSA. She needs two years from home to reach SMANSA! hahahaha :DD

This is us!

Friends, you're all the best gift I've ever had! I never regret to meet you all, guys! I love you from the deepest side of my heart! Thanks for being there, thanks for always making me smile and laugh. As you know, you have a place in my heart! Just like Brian McKnight says, you're always be the biggest part of me :D

Thank you :)


One last dance

What do you feel if you have to let your love go?
What do you feel if you still have to see him go even if you have given everything you have in this world to him?
What do you feel if you see someone you love has gone with another girl just a minute after he left you?

Sometimes, you might think that he's cruel, you might think that he's the one who never understands you. You start to regret everything, you start to regret that you loved him. But, what if he says :

One last dance with you, even though what we have is strong , both of us know that we've done wrong. You could lose everything, need to give it up. Just one last dance with you, for all the moments that we shared, all the lies they don't compare. You gotta go back to him, and I realize that every time I see your face I know, there's a part of me that can't bear to let you go. And I would give my heart. Give you the world, risk losing everything I got. I'd give it all to you, though I don't wanna stop. I know it's the right thing to do.

What will you say?
I can't say a thing.

Sometimes, you just have to understand that everything you think it's right, might hurt someone else, but everything you think it's wrong, might be the best thing for you.

Just like love.


Friday, February 25, 2011

To : Helena Rayta Rudijanto

Firstly, sebelum memulai post ini, I'll introduce you to my best bf, Helena Ratya Rudijanto :) Temanku yang lahir pada tanggal 9 November 1994 dan kita pertama kali kenal di SMP Regina Pacis sampai sekaraaang :D

Helena, aku mau mengingat semua hal-hal yang bisa buat kita ketawa ngakak kayak orang gila =)) Mungkin orang-orang ga akan ketawa ketika baca ini, tapi kalo kita mungkin bisa ketawa-ketawa sampe geli sendiri hahahaha :DD Let's get started!

1. Rekoleksi
Inget kejadian apa yang terjadi pas rekoleksi bareng 7e? Aku inget banget, karena itu adalah hal yang paling memalukan yang pernah terjadi hahahaha :D Berawal dari abis mandi, kita lari-larian gitu (kalo ga salah, aku ga pernah inget awalnya ;p) dan tiba-tiba kamu ambil kantong plastik baju kotor aku dan apa yang keluar dari sanaaa??? Hahahahaha, aku malu banget helenaa -___- untung aja kayaknya cuma kamu aja yang liat hahahahaha =))

2. Kejadian jatoh kodok
It kinda sounds weird, hahahahaha, tapi kejadiannya adalah di mana waktu itu aku lagi di kejar-kejar Agatha pake pel-an di kelas 7e dan tiba-tiba aku kesandung tas---siapa itu aku lupa, udah gitu aku jatoh yang kata kamu lucu banget dari belakang kalo di liat hahahahahaha =)) udah gitu aku sadar ternyata kalo anting aku copot satu dan sampe sekarang ga tau di mana hahahahahahaha :DD

3. Berto!
Kejadian : di angkot 08 pas pulang sekolah. Kita duduk di pojok berdua dan berto di depan kita. Tiba-tiba angkotnya berenti dan si berto tadinya mau gaya-gayaan jatoh gitu taunya dia beneran jatoh ke depan sampe kursi supir dan tiba-tiba ada suara "dug" gara-gara tasnya jatoh. Itu kayanya kalo ga botol minum, tempat bekel hel hahahahaha :D sampe sekarang aja aku masih ngakak loh kalo inget ituu hahahahaha :D Jatohnya itu bener-bener kayak seluncur gitu dari pojok ke ujung hahahaha, di tambang angkotnya kan kosooong hahahahaha :D

4. Anak Pintu
Masih inget anak pintu ga hel? Hahahahaha :D aku tiba-tiba ke inget sama dia gara-gara tadi jalan bareng sama dia mau ke rp dari bq hahahaha :D Dia dengan hebatnya bisa menutup pintu bq yang miring sementara kita ga bisa-bisa hahahahaha :D emang ajaiiiibbbb hahahahaha :D

5. "Randy"
Waaaahh baru aja kita ngomongin Randy hel hahahaha :D Kamu inget yang aku pernah bilang sama kamu kalo aku sampe ga inget nama aslinya dia itu *sensored* bukan randy? hahahahahaha :D selama ini di otak aku selalu inget kalo dia itu randy hahahahaha :D beuuhh sekarang gauul banget hel hahahaha :D rambutnya udah ga jabrik-jabrik ke atas lagi hahahahaha :D jaman dulu, kalo kita ke bq, setiap ngelian dia, bawaannya ketawa mulu, sampe-sampe waktu itu dia mau pinjem penghapus ke kelas kita, aku malah ketawa hahahahaha emang kurang ajar aku sama dia, dosa aku banyak bangeett hahahahahaha :DD

6. "Ms. the most beautiful in the world"
yang satu ini dosa aku sama dia udah bejibun hel! hahahahahaha :D banyak banget kejadian yang bakal buat kita ngakak kalo inget sama dia! astagaaa, selama ini aku udah mau tobat loh hel, kamu tau kaan siapa?? hahahahaha =)) itu looh yang foto-fotonya di fb suka kamu liatin sebagai penghibur hahahahahaha :DD kejadian waktu pemilihan ketua OSIS sebenernya yang aku inget banget. Kejadian di mana dia nengok ke belakang dan kita ga bisa berenti ketawa, sampe si iren nunjuk-nunjuk gituu hahahahaha =)) kita terus-terusan ketawa. Kita, ire, felita, udah sakit perut semuanya hahahahaha :DD banyak banget kejadian sama dia yang bikin kita ketawa ngakak, setiap bahas dia pasti kita ngakak hel hahahahahaha =)) gawat nih gawat, aku dosa lagi hahahahahahahahahaaaa :DD

okaaayy, cukup hel aku bisa gila sendiri hahahahaha :DD hope you enjoy yah darling :) aku berharap banget kita bisa ketawa-ketawa gitu lagi, tiba-tiba aja tadi pagi aku kangen ngeliat kamu ketawa ngakak hahahahaha :DD


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love The Way You Lie Part 2

I do like this song to death ;) Rihanna sounds so frustrated and Eminem sounds so angry. I heard it over and over again, enjoy :)

On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright.
And this thing turned out so evil, I don’t know why I’m still surprised.
Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take death to new extremes.
But you’ll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,
But that’s alright because I like the way it hurts.
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,
But that’s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.
I love the way you lie.

Now this gravel in our voices, glass is shattered from the fight.
In this tug of war, you’ll always win, even when I’m right.
Cause you feed me fables from your hand,
With violet words and empty threats and it’s sick that all these battles are what keeps me satisfied.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,
But that’s alright because I like the way it hurts.
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,
But that’s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.
Ohhh, I love the way you lie.

So maybe I’m a masochist
I try to run but I don’t wanna ever leave.
Til the walls are goin’ up in smoke with all our memories.

This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face
smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction
hush baby, speak softly, tell me I’ll be sorry that you
pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me
try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
baby, without you, I’m nothing, I’m so lost, hug me
then tell me how ugly I am, but that you’ll always love me
then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the
destructive path that we’re on, two psychopaths but we
know that no matter how many knives we put in each other’s backs
that we’ll have each other’s backs, ’cause we’re that lucky
together, we move mountains, let’s not make mountains out of molehills,
you hit me twice, yeah, but who’s countin’
I may have hit you three times, I’m startin’ to lose count
but together, we’ll live forever, we found the youth fountain
our love is crazy, we’re nuts, but I refused counselin’
this house is too huge, if you move out I’ll burn all two thousand
square feet of it to the ground, ain’t shit you can do about it
with you I’m in my f–kin’ mind, without you, I’m out it

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,
But that’s alright because I like the way it hurts.
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,
But that’s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.
Ohhh, I love the way you lie.
I love the way you lie.

Friday, January 14, 2011

I want to be a Journalist, Sir!

Ketika anak remaja seusiaku di tanya "Apa cita-citamu?" Kebanyakan dari mereka akan menjawab, "Aku ingin menjadi Dokter." atau Guru, Ahli Fisika, Ahli Ekonomi, Ilmuwan, Peneliti, dan sebagainya. Cita-citaku tidak setinggi itu, aku hanya ignin menjadi seorang Jurnalis.

Pertama kali mengenal dunia jurnalistik dari kakakku yang sebenarnya ingin mengambil jurusan tersebut ketika kuliah tetapi pada akhirnya mengambil jurusan Hubungan Masyarakat--Humas. Aku mulai tertarik ketika dia sering bercerita tentang seorang wartawan. Bagaimana mereka meliput berita, bagaimana suka-dukanya menjadi wartawan, dan bagaimana tantangan bergelut dengan dunia tersebut. Suatu hal yang memang aku ingini.

Ditambah lagi, ketika aku melihat wartawan-wartawan di televisi. Entah mengapa, aku berpikir bahwa mereka orang yang hebat. Mereka yang mencari informasi lalu menyalurkannya pada masyarakat. Itu bukan hal yang mudah, bukan? Apalagi, kalau mereka harus pergi ke daerah konflik, bukan hanya di dalam negeri tapi di luar negeri. Kecemasan tersendiri pasti ada di dalam benak mereka. Yang membuat aku lebih terkagum adalah, mereka sangat terlihat menikmati dan menyenangi pekerjaan mereka itu. Walaupun harus bekerja tanpa mengenal waktu, tempat, dan cuaca, mereka tetap mengerjakannya demi kepentingan masyarakat. Menurutku itu sudah cukup membuktikan bahwa mereka berjasa.

Imipianku tidak harus menjadi seorang jurnalis televisi. Media cetak juga sudah sangat cukup untukku. Aku suka menulis dan aku ingin menyalurkannya. Aku ingin menjadi orang yang memberikan informasi dan bukannya mendapat informasi dari orang lain.

Aku juga ingin mempunyai kartu segala akses yang dipunyai jurnalis, seperti apa yang kakakku bilang. Dengan kartu itu, aku bisa meliput berita apapun tanpa harus membayar. Bukankah itu menyenangkan? Teman-teman kakakku sudah banyak menjadi jurnalis yang berhasil. Kebanyakan dari mereka bekerja di media cetak. Ada seorang teman dari kakakku yang bekerja sebagai Wartawan Kepresidenan. Ia ikut kemana pun Presiden pergi untuk melaksanakan tugasnya.

Aku yakin, banyak sekali pengalaman yang di dapat jika menjadi seorang Jurnalis. Bertemu dengan orang-orang penting, bahkan berbincang dengan mereka. Pada awalnya, pasti akan terasa berat, tapi aku yakin, ketika mulai pada pertengahan, pasti akan terasa menyenangkan dan nyaman menjadi seorang jurnalis.

I want to be a Journalist, Sir! :)


Monday, January 10, 2011

Spending time with others :)

Jumat, 7 Januari 2011 dan Sabtu, 8 Januari 2011

Mungkin orang-orang saat itu sudah beristirahat dan menyiapkan diri untuk sekolah hari Senin. Tapi aku, seperti baru memulai liburan hahaha :D

Hari Jumat tanggal 7 Januari itu, SMANSA Bogor--sekolahku, mengadakan acara Perayaan Natal dan Tahun Baru. Aku sangat senang, karena jujur saja aku terlibat di dalamnya. Aku banyak membantu dan kita bekerja sama sangat kompak sehingga acara bisa berjalan dengan lancar :) Puji Tuhan banget. Meskipun koor acaranya--ka Alvi, ga bisa dateng, kita tetep bisa menjalankan acara dengan lancar. Sebenarnya, tamu yang datang sangat jauh dari harapan kita. Maka dari itu, kita bisa dapet konsumsi banyak banget hahahaha :D si dani ajaa ngambil enam ada kali dia, empat di bawa pulang, plus dua di makan di sana hahahaha :D tapi dia emang kasian juga, secara harus latihan musik dari pagi hahaha, semangat, Dan! Melayani Tuhan sepenuh hati :) hahahaha :D

Aku ga ambil foto banyak, hanya beberapa :0

Ini Sandria, dia temanku yang baiiik :DD Meskipun kita ga sekelas, tapi kita bisa membaur dengan baik. Sekedar informasi, parfum kita sama hahahaha *apadeh*

yang ini Rara, kita juga ga sekelas tapi dia termasuk temenku yang paling baiik :D Rara orangnya ramah, ga pernah marah dan cara ngomongnya lucu banget hehe :D dia satu tempat les denganku, tapi kita beda hari.

pojok sebelah kiri, itu ka Galih. Dia ketua PERSIK--Persekutuan Siswa/i Kristen SMANSA tahun ini. Orangnya ramah dan baik banget, aku pernah satu les sama dia di LIA. Tapi, semenjak masuk SMANSA, dia jadi quit les dan kita baru ketemu lagi pas aku udah masuk SMANSA dan pertemuan perdana PERSIK. Awalnya aku sama sekali ga nyadar kalo itu ka Galih, tapi setelah di inget-inget, baru aku ngeh, parah banget -.- hahahaha :D

Lanjut ke tanggal 8 Januari. Aku pergi ke Taman Safari yang di Bogor. Aku pergi sama papa, ka nena, dan keluarga uda (om) ku. Sebenarnya itu gratis, acara family gathering-nya kantor papa, jadi kita ga keluar uang sedikit pun--kecuali ongkos, malah dapet uang hahahaha ;DD

Berangkat dari Ayub jam 6 pagi bener-bener nyiksa -.- secara aku baru tidur jam 12 gara-gara ga bisa tidur plus makan indomie dulu tengah malem gitu, hahahaha :D dan di bis, meskipun ngantuk banget, aku juga ga bisa tidur. Okelah, lupakan aja yang ga enak hahaha. Sampe di sana, hawa nya dingin banget. Di dalam bis, itu dingin banget, aku kira pas keluar, udah lumayan anget kayak biasanya, ternyata justru tambah menggigil, ngok banget -.- hahahaha :D

tapi tetep ga menghalangi untuk foto-foto hahaha :D ini fotoku di samping bis yang aku naikin. Waktu itu, temen-temen kantor papa lagi beli tiket masuk, jadinya kita boleh keluar dulu atau kalau mau buang air kecil.

yang ini sama ka nena.

kalau ini dia sendiri, aku yang ambil hehehehe :D

oke, mari aku kenalkan dengan dua sepupu-ku yang ganteng-ganteng ini hahahaha :D tapi beneran cakep-cakep :)

yang ini, namanya abang Timothy Stefan Saba Hutahaean. Umurnya 3 tahun Maret tahun ini. Dia anaknya aktif banget -.- cuman bisa diem kalau lagi tidur hahahaha :D dan kalau mau makan, susahnyaaaa minta ampuuun. Mamanya emang paling top kalau ngasih makan hahahaha :D Sekarang, dia udah bandel, kalau dulu sih namanya anak kecil masih polos-polos gimana gituuu hahaha :D yaa namanya juga masih anak kecil hahaha. cakeep kaan? ini nih satu anak kesayangannya ka nena hahahaha :D lucu banget kalau di ajak becanda, kayak udah ngerti ajaa hahahaha :D

yang ini, namanya ade Tristan Riordan Saba Hutahaean. Aslinya kayak anak bule hahahaha :D bedanya ga sampe dua tahun sama abangnya. Tadinya, ade ga mau dipegang sama aku, selalu nangis, udah gitu nangisnya kayak orang abis di gebukin semaleman hahaha ;D tapi sekarang udah mauu, cuman sekarang ade ga bisa diem. Kalau duduk, udah sampe jungkir baling ke sana ke mari. Kalo abangnya lari-larian, adenya cuman bisa duduk, tengkurep, dan segala macemnya karena belum bisa lari. Ga yakin deh kalo udah bisa nanti -.- hahahaha :D satu lagi, ade titan ini, kalo pegang benda, apapun bendanya, pasti di masukin ke dalem mulut -.- di gigitin sampe bosen. Heran aku juga hahahaha :D

ini foto kita bertiga, udah mau pulang sebenernya hehehe, yang ambil uda ucok. Kebiasaan, kalo ambil foto pasti sampe sepatunya keliatan -.- hahahaha :D

Kadang, sesuatu yang menyenangkan itu akan tiba di saat kita berpikir bahwa udah ga ada cukup waktu lagi untuk bersenang-senang. Tapi ternyata, pas udah mepet mau masuk sekolah lagi, aku malah diberi kesempatan lagi buat main sama Stefan dan Tristan. It was so wonderful to spend time with my families and friends. Yaaah, meskipun hari Minggu-nya aku kerepotan sendiri bebenah dan beresin tugas buat hari Senin hahahahaha :D

It's time to come back to the daily life where a dozen of assignments are waiting for me!! :))