This is a true story about my old refrigerator. A few weeks ago, my family bought a new refrigerator and it came the next day. At first, I didn't feel anything. Acutally, I was happy because I have a new 'thing' in my house. But then I thought about something. Where will my old refigerator go? Is it possible if we use two refrigerators in our small house? My mom wanted to sell it, but we all disagreed. Finally, we put that in my parents' room.
After about a week or more, my mom started becoming confused. She really didn't have any idea about what to do to my old refrigerator. She finally decided to really sell it, and one of her friends has agreed to buy it. I was sad to hear that actually. Fyi, that refrigerator had been with my family since 1994. I haven't been born yet! This year, that refrigerator will be 17 years old. It should have a party to celebrate it, right? It's so loyal. It was never broken before, it was so cool. Even though it was not that big, only one door, but we put all the food there. Starts from, bottles of water, eggs, vegetables, meats, ice, even my medicines.
My old refrigerator was blue. It was not that tall, and it couldn't stand up correctly again. But I love it, I can't deny that I will miss it very much. I remembered that my sister always put her glass on my refrigerator after she drank. I remembered that we put the medicine box on my refrigerator. Sometimes, after I opened it up, I just let the door close itself. It would make a very loud voice. So old, right?
When he was taken a few days ago, I felt like something would be missing from this house. Something that had been together with us for a very long time. That refrigerator was there when the first time I came to my own house as a baby. That refrigerator knew all kind of convertations that our family had. That refrigerator was there when we bought a new organ, when we changed ouf sofa, when I bought a new desk for study, when a new maid came to my house.
And now, it has a new journey with another owner. I hope that you really will have a great happiness with whomever might be. I hope that you will be useful as usual, nobody will think that you're an "unimportant-old-thing", because you're doing a great job all this time. Now, it's time for you to have another experience. Goodbye my old refrigerator, hope you have a happy life wherever you are :)
Here we put anything, teh gelas, vegetables, anything.
Here, we put eggs, bottles, and medicines.
This is the inside of my old refrigerator.
And this is the front side of my old refrigerator.
I'll be missing you :))