Wednesday, April 6, 2011

STIC and Me :)

Haai :D it really has been a long time since I wrote here last time. Today, I just want to share you about the fact that my friends and I just succeeded holding an event :) aaah, it was so good, really! Let me tell you about that ;)

From the beginning, my school, SMA Negeri 1 Bogor or just called it SMANSA, is celebrating its birthday now. We have a big event called SMANSA Day. We started from March and it will be ended on May. And because of that, we, as the citizen of SMANSA, have to make an event from each ekskul. As you know, I'm following the eASY (English Association for SMANSA Youth) as my ekskul. Nah, the event of eASY is STIC (SMANSA Trivia Competition). But, eASY has its own rules that the one who makes STIC happen must be the tenth grader students only. So, the eleventh grader could be the participants of STIC.

Just FYI, the tenth grader now in SMANSA, or the batch 2010/2011 called themselves as "Meriam Baja". It's kinda the batch's name. And because of that, I am Meriam Baja! :D

Now, let's just get started about the STIC!

STIC is a Trivia. It's competition between the tenth grader and the eleventh grader. This year, there are Spelling Bee competition and BoB (Battle of the Brains) competition. You must know what Spelling Bee is. Let me tell you about BoB. It's like cerdas cermat. Fyi, I'm the coordinator of Competition Section :) So, my team is the one who arranges all of the questions. Actually, it's very tiring. We have to select the questions, choose which one is appropriate, and make it into Power Point. Gosh, it's not as easy as you think before. Especially, my team also has to take care about the Spelling Bee's words.

But, all of the hard works are all paid off. The event succeed and I really am happy. It doesn't matter that I have to walk home from school at 7 p.m. because I really had fun today. Plus, one of my friend, actually the head committees of STIC, Safira, had birthday today! ;D So, we did a crazy little thing to her. When the evaluation time, we all accuse her for making a very big mistake. The first plan is, we want to make her cry, but it doesn't work actually, hahaha ;D She cried because she's happy not frustrated. Happy Birthday Safira :)) We all love you :D

Thank you SMANSA, especially, thank you eASY! :D You gave me friends, you gave me experiences, and such a pleasure moment :D